Thursday, May 7, 2009

Castles in the air

Think think think think think…
Spending an entire day doing that is the dream that I am living. After a long time my brains are being oiled again. And I love the feeling.
One’s imagination is the best gift given to man. Using it is the hardest thing to do. That is because we are scared.
Have you noticed, the older we grow the more afraid we become. I remember, when I was 8, I used to practice karate with carefree abandon. Getting punched on the face was never a concern. When I was 13, I stopped going for karate. All due to a small bruise on my foot. I was afraid to hurt it.
Sitting here I am able to use my imagination. I hardly let it run wild but the juices are starting to flow again. The thirst for knowledge has come back and quenching it is one of my aims.
I have experienced this pleasure for 16 days now. I hope it is 60 the next time I talk to you.
Time to get back to work. Time to imagine. Time to dream…
I am the head of the biggest advertising agency in the world. We are located at Mumbai and it is my brainchild. We have the biggest clients and we create the best campaigns. I got here because I dared to dream…

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