Thursday, May 7, 2009

Castles in the air

Think think think think think…
Spending an entire day doing that is the dream that I am living. After a long time my brains are being oiled again. And I love the feeling.
One’s imagination is the best gift given to man. Using it is the hardest thing to do. That is because we are scared.
Have you noticed, the older we grow the more afraid we become. I remember, when I was 8, I used to practice karate with carefree abandon. Getting punched on the face was never a concern. When I was 13, I stopped going for karate. All due to a small bruise on my foot. I was afraid to hurt it.
Sitting here I am able to use my imagination. I hardly let it run wild but the juices are starting to flow again. The thirst for knowledge has come back and quenching it is one of my aims.
I have experienced this pleasure for 16 days now. I hope it is 60 the next time I talk to you.
Time to get back to work. Time to imagine. Time to dream…
I am the head of the biggest advertising agency in the world. We are located at Mumbai and it is my brainchild. We have the biggest clients and we create the best campaigns. I got here because I dared to dream…

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


4 walls… a mattress…a commode in the corner… the foul smell of urine… My urine…My commode… My mattress… My walls…
I long for a glance… One look at the mountains… Or maybe even the seas… Or the streets… Maybe… Just maybe…
Don’t they realize I would be satisfied with just one glance… a momentary stare… Ah… It was my momentary lapse of reason that brought me here…
But I am not scared… I am not sorry… I feel no remorse… I feel no pain… But then again I don’t think I feel anything at all… Ever since that fateful day…
The push… The journey… The handcuffs… The arrest… The blood… The stomach… The knife… The woman… The man… The sex…
Maybe the realization hasn’t dawned… Maybe it will… If I get a glance… And then I might weep…
The hole in the wall… The crawl through sewage… The smell… The urine of others… The escape… The rising of the hand… The dream… Shawshank Redemption…
But that is only for the movies… I am still here… Its hell inside… I’m held inside… By locks…

Monday, May 4, 2009

Its all about the Paan

A constant feature about railway stations across India is spittle. Most of which are red in colour. For the uninformed this is due to the chewing of paan.
I disagree with Amul’s claim that it is the taste of India. I can’t think of an edible product that defines India better than paan does. And I mean it in the most non- derogatory way.
On the flip side however I too am disgusted by the way in which people spit on the road. It is an act that cannot be condoned.
Paan has carved out a niche for itself in Indian culture. Spitting hasn’t. And I hope it remains that way.
Paan has been instrumental in the success of the movie ‘Don’ as well. Any Shahrukh Khan or Amitabh Bachchan fan will know exactly what I am talking about.
Personally I love paan. With names like meetha, 120 and 420 who can help loving it…

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dog Day Afternoon

I lie here… Waiting for a pat… Waiting… But none seems forthcoming…
You come to me only when you all alone… When there is no one else… When your friends have left you and you have left your family…
You are sitting at your desk… Pretending to do your pretentious work… So that you may seem important… So that you may get a pat…
I have never understood this leash around my neck… Or the chain that extends from my body… It feels part of my body now… I don’t feel its pain anymore… Atleast I try not too…
I wonder why you ever bought me here... I am in no way helpful to you and neither are you to me... Irony is all your guests love me...
The door bell rings… You rise to the door… Cursing the person who has disturbed you…
It is a woman… She comes in and you let her… You have forgotten your laptop for now… She leads you to your room…
And now I am all alone…
After what seems like eternity you emerge… Along with her… You look into her eyes and you tell her… You are the best… She lets herself out…
And I thought I was your best friend…

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The leather dream

One of my countless dreams is to own a Harley Davidson motorcycle. It is a bike that personifies elegance and style. An add-on to buying a Harley would be that I would finally be able to pick up a leather jacket for myself.
I confess, I have always had a fascination for the leather variety of jackets. But it is the type of jacket that can only be worn if it suits the environment. Like if you are a biker for instance. On the flip side, wearing the leather jacket at an inappropriate time will lead you to look like a cheap Roadside Romeo.
There is this scene in ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ where Brad Pitt rides a Bullet with a leather jacket. Despite being a guy I felt weak in the knees (I am straight, mind you). Another character who epitomizes the leather jacket to perfection is Wolverine of the X- men series.
The leather jacket is unique in such a way that it can either be a defining style statement or a fashion faux pas. There is no in-between ground for this accessory. Until I am convinced that a leather jacket will completely define me (Read: own a Harley Davidson) I am not going to commit the gaffe of owning one.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A sweet desire

There is always the temptation… Butterflies are formed in my stomach and Goosebumps on my skin… I would never resist the urge… The sweet taste of delight…
You are there, right before my eyes… You are looking at me… Expressionless… Emotionless… Tasty…
But I more than make up for your pokerfaced appearance… A fire burns inside me… I have been trying not to look at you…
But I yield to your lure… Soft… Dark… Rich…
I can feel you inside me… It feels like heaven… It feels like it belongs there…
Your exotic beauty has ensnared me…
I can’t wait any longer… I have waited long enough… I surrender to temptation…
...It feels right, does it not?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

For the want of a shoe

Shoes are the hot topic for conversation these days. It started with an Iraqi journalist throwing a shoe at the former President of America, George Bush. The Indian political scene has had its share of shoe throwing antics as well. Reebok garnered tremendous publicity after the actions of Turban wearing journalist, Jarnail Singh. These ‘top stories’ provide an unending source of entertainment to viewers all over the world. I am glad that these ‘publicity seekers’ never threw a shoe made by CAT. Trust me when I tell you, CAT shoes are built to suit all environments.
A woman has to have a minimum of 15 pairs of shoes in her closet. 15 pairs! But then again footwear for the average woman comes at an approximate price of Rs150. They do not visit the Nike’s and Puma’s of the world as frequently as guys do.
I also wonder whether M.F. Hussein has a grudge against the shoe manufacturing industry. The controversial painter never wears any form of footwear to travel.
Guys tend to want big feet. As legend holds the size of a man’s foot is directly proportionate to the size of his… ahem! P.S.: The wrestler ‘Khali’ wears a size 22 boot. That is more than double my shoe size!
It can’t be double. I have to go home and check…
Shoes are very close to my heart. I still can’t get around to throwing away my very first pair. Look at the multipurpose nature of shoes. It can be used as memorabilia, a style statement, a weapon, a storage device and most importantly… as footwear.