Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The leather dream

One of my countless dreams is to own a Harley Davidson motorcycle. It is a bike that personifies elegance and style. An add-on to buying a Harley would be that I would finally be able to pick up a leather jacket for myself.
I confess, I have always had a fascination for the leather variety of jackets. But it is the type of jacket that can only be worn if it suits the environment. Like if you are a biker for instance. On the flip side, wearing the leather jacket at an inappropriate time will lead you to look like a cheap Roadside Romeo.
There is this scene in ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ where Brad Pitt rides a Bullet with a leather jacket. Despite being a guy I felt weak in the knees (I am straight, mind you). Another character who epitomizes the leather jacket to perfection is Wolverine of the X- men series.
The leather jacket is unique in such a way that it can either be a defining style statement or a fashion faux pas. There is no in-between ground for this accessory. Until I am convinced that a leather jacket will completely define me (Read: own a Harley Davidson) I am not going to commit the gaffe of owning one.

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