Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Keyboard is mightier than The Sword

Since the advent of computers and the World Wide Web, the use of pens have diminished to a large extent. Those who swear by a pen say that the world has become lazy. They claim that the art of writing has been lost.
I have known how to write for a considerable number of years but this ‘art of writing’ has never dawned on me. At face value the art of writing can only signify ones ability (or inability) to write with the hand. Good writing isn’t determined by the ink or keyboard used. George Orwell, in one of his essays said that phrases and metaphors hold no meaning and should be banned. I would be a hypocrite if I agreed with him but I have to say that the above mentioned one must be banned. Or it should be changed into the ‘art of conveying’. Whether one writes, types or speaks a bad story remains a bad story; a bad poem will remain a bad poem. Just as man has evolved, the pen too must evolve. The pen is no longer mightier than the sword. A keyboard is.

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