Monday, April 20, 2009

Tic Toc Tic Toc

As a kid, ‘My Grandfathers Clock’ was my favourite nursery rhyme. Now however I have lost my charm for it. Partly because a friend of mine removed one of the alphabets from the word ‘clock’. The rhyme takes on an all new meaning altogether.
Until recently watches have never been a fantasy of mine. However the older we grow, the more brand conscious we become. I have come to learn that the watch is a status symbol and the more expensive it is, the higher your position on the social ladder.
Imagine a world where watches didn’t exist. We would have no notion of time. If you think about it, it might not be such a bad thing. Our bodies wouldn’t be restricted to this caged world where we eat, sleep, talk, walk at designated times.
Watches have been used and abused over the years. In ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ an engineer developed a clock that ran backwards. It was done in the hope of bringing back the men who were lost at war. No doubt it was a novel and ingenious idea. But these things are best left to the movies. I wouldn't be able to live in a world where watches didn’t exist. I need my time and I need the notion of it. Its 6:50 now. Time to leave office…

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