Monday, April 13, 2009

Ravishing Reva

It is said by someone that 'great things come in small packages'. As a true cynic and more importantly as a man I have to disagree with this unfounded statement. For me it has always been the mantra of 'larger than life'. This too is a contradiction in itself as I ask the question, 'Can life be actually measured by its size'? But the second phrase sounds cooler and I am going to stick by it.
Now if i go and ask the above mentioned person to prove his point, he would just point me to a Reva. For all uninformed souls the Reva is the first electric car launched in India. It is about as big as an auto but using another cliched phrase, I felt 'love at first sight'.
It was only today that I got down to actually reading about the Reva. As the case with everything else it has its pros and cons. But it is truly fascinating that four grown adults can fit into a car so small. What is even more amazing is that a car this small exists today in the world of big cars, big bucks, big people and big dreams... Despite its unassuming nature the Reva catches the eye and a stare or two as well. This electric car was launched in India with an electric dream. Whether this dream of our country becoming 'resource efficient' materialises remains to be seen. But a start has been made. This small package has set the course for great things to come.

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