Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dog Day Afternoon

I lie here… Waiting for a pat… Waiting… But none seems forthcoming…
You come to me only when you all alone… When there is no one else… When your friends have left you and you have left your family…
You are sitting at your desk… Pretending to do your pretentious work… So that you may seem important… So that you may get a pat…
I have never understood this leash around my neck… Or the chain that extends from my body… It feels part of my body now… I don’t feel its pain anymore… Atleast I try not too…
I wonder why you ever bought me here... I am in no way helpful to you and neither are you to me... Irony is all your guests love me...
The door bell rings… You rise to the door… Cursing the person who has disturbed you…
It is a woman… She comes in and you let her… You have forgotten your laptop for now… She leads you to your room…
And now I am all alone…
After what seems like eternity you emerge… Along with her… You look into her eyes and you tell her… You are the best… She lets herself out…
And I thought I was your best friend…

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